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What are you making here?” I asked. “ Well your favorite was pancakes and bacon when we were dating?” Vince asked. “ Yes, I'm surprised that you remember that,” I replied. “ Well you were my favorite girlfriend, I think at least remember enough to go on The Newlywed Game with you,” Vince said. “ I think that sounds a little cocky,” I replied. “ Maybe, but you are the one in just your underwear,” Vince said. Then I laughed and gave him a kiss on the cheek, but he wanted more. As I was about to sit down, he grabbed my arm and gave me a huge kiss. “ You know I have really missed you Erin,” he said. “ Obviously,” I replied, just before we kissed again. “ I truly never stopped loving you either, Erin. You were - no you are - some kind of woman that fate got in the way of,” he told me. “ Well thank you,” I replied. Then I kissed him again and I sat down. “ So did you ever stop loving me?” he asked. “ Absolutely not,” I replied. Then he finished cooking the food and it needed. The next thing Di did was pull me over to a corner of the pool deck, where our coconuts palms provided shade and some privacy. She gently pushed me down on the chaise lounge located there, knelt down and preceded to give me one of the best blowjobs I've ever had. My balls tingled for hours afterward. It still rates in the "top 3" for me.When the dust had settled a couple of days later, I had asked Di, why she hadn't noticed Jenny's appearance at the fence and warn me while we had been fucking in the pool. Di confessed that she had noticed Jenny's arrival, apparently a lot earlier than I had realized, as Di said Jenny had probably seen “most of the show.” But Di claimed she had been so far gone when Jenny arrived that she couldn't stop until she had an orgasm. In fact, Di admitted that Jenny standing at the fence, in the nude, watching us, had actually enhanced her excitement and orgasm. Di confessed to liking that "got caught" feeling too.As Jenny’s weekend visits became even more.
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