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Didn’t seem likely, but it was worth checking out.Mike’s was the only bedroom on the first floor, so I quickly moved past a couple windows trying to avoid detection, but then I stopped outside the dining room window and peered inside. There he was! I was looking through the dining room, and halfway across the house, but I could see his head and the back of the sofa. The bastard was just sitting in the living room watching TV or playing games or something! I was annoyed, and continued towards his bedroom. I was going to give him some crap for ditching and not even inviting me! But as I pushed open his window it dawned on me that if he was home while his mom was, then maybe he wasn’t ditching, maybe he really was sick and his mom picked him up. Now I felt a little bad, but either way, I was going to get answers and find out what’s been going on with him. I climbed into his room and walked down the hall, I turned the corner into the living room just as I was about to surprise him and. Before I even had time to turn my head there she was beside me, a face like thunder, her eyes blazing."You fucking BITCH!"She screamed as if I was at the other end of the street."You humiliated me in front of colleagues, they made my life a living hell all afternoon."As she spat this out, her hand whipped out and grabbed my hair, literally yanking me upright from the sofa and proceeded to march me unceremoniously to our bedroom, stripping off her jacket as we went, kicking off her shoes.Once there I was tossed onto the bed like a rag doll, she following me, bouncing on the backs of my legs, straddling me, pinning me down. Off came the sarong in one swing of her arm, I watched as it floated across the room, hearing the sounds of rustled clothing behind me."Fuck,that hurts!" was my only reply to the vicious slap to my upended arse cheek."That's nothing bitch."An audible whistle as her arm again swung down, another loud crack as this time it landed on the other globe, and an equally.
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