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I hadn’t felt this much power over anyone in a long time, not since Bobby had broken me the week before and made me his bitch. I was enjoying this. I gave her another long, sloppy kiss, forcing her to taste her own milk. I ran my bare leg along her soft panties, rubbing up against her erect clit. She was as wet between her legs as she was on her chest. She was so horny and sex-depraved that she came again in seconds, stiffening under me before melting back into the couch, surrendering to me completely. If only I had a dick I could impregnate the bitch right now and be done with it. I considered going to get Bobby in the car and bringing him back to rape the shit out of her, but I wasn’t in control of this situation. What if her husband came back? Her kids were still here too. No. I’d wait. I leaned back and recomposed myself. After a few minutes of huffing and puffing deviously she got up to, refastening her wet shirt and pulling her skirt down. I was worried she would be awkward or. She could not deny it tasted wonderful.While the washing was going round she could not think of anything other than what she had just done, half of her was repulsed by it the other half was massively turned on. Despite her promising herself she was never going to do anything like this again she knew she couldn’t stop.Eve spent the rest of the day in various states of arousal. She knew Lee would be home from school soon and looking for his favourite wank material. The devil in Eve came out again and she thought she would leave him an extra special pair. She frigged her pussy so hard she came like a fountain, but this time she had left her panties on to capture her dampness. Her panties looked more like she had pissed them they were so wet. Instead of putting in the laundry hamper she decided this time to leave them on the top where they couldn’t be missed. No sooner had she done this she heard the front door open and Lee shout he was home. Eve said she was upstairs but would be down.
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