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It was a tight fit, but luckily I had been well stretched already that afternoon. It filled me so tightly, I hardly dared move a muscle. I had been well and truly fucked with this once before by my darling Alison, and I knew what it could do to me. Uncle laughed at my look of apprehension. “You can give us a little show in a few moments, Princess,” he told me. Just then Dad returned with two cans of beer for them, and a can of coke for me. Sitting me up, he put a drinking straw in the can and held it to my lips. I drank eagerly. “What is the giant dildo for, Dave?” Dad asked. “Thought we might like a little show while we had our drinks,” Uncle explained. I looked at Dad, expecting him to come to my rescue. “That sounds like fun,” he said. I was shaken. He was going to sit calmly drinking beer that I had got especially for them while I was being ravished by a mechanical prick? What was more, from the way his cock was starting to rise, he looked like he was going to enjoy the. My dear, let the nerves flow through your being until they become an all-consuming fire. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of our gentle sin, it is passion, pure, purifying, and we want it, you and I. Just give in.You glide halfway across the floor, between the door and the bed, stretching your gloved hand to me. I take it, you pull me into your embrace; one hand upon my waist, the other wrapping beneath my arm to the center of my back. You nuzzle into my neck, kissing it firstly; this is comfortable, being in your arms. Time stands still, the only sounds: the beating of our hearts and the ebb and flow of our breath – both in unison; you pull away, eyes darting, searching mine, begging for the permission that I gave you back in our school days. I had said, “anytime, whatever you like.” I meant it, I never stopped meaning it, but you’re unsure. I give an almost imperceptible nod and thank God I did, your supple lips find mine, locking into place. Finally. That subtle.
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