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"In that case look at me." Adam commanded.His mother turned her tear streaked face up to his, whatever my son saw in her eyes must have satisfied him because he nodded then looked at me and signalled me to come to his side. I obeyed his signal as Helen obeyed the signal from her son, standing beside Victor I watched the events unfold with growing excitement."Will you obey me without question?" Adam asked his mother."I will." she sobbed quietly."Louder." Adam commanded."I will obey you without question." Jane said more firmly."Then take off your clothes." Adam commanded.Jane hesitated for a moment then rose to her feet and started to undress, her hands moved slowly and clumsily as she removed her clothing and her face held an expression of fear, shame and excitement. Jane had got down to her undergarments to reveal that she was wearing self-grip stockings, Adam grinned at this and told her to keep them on, then he told her that in future her 'uniform' at the club would be the same as. Jace simply had not had an occasion to learn much about numbers. Jace applied himself and learned all there was to learn from first grade math in the first month that he was there. Jace was working on multiplication and division by the time school was shut down for the summer.Now that he had been exposed to math, Jace was determined to learn as much as he could on the subject. By the time he started in second grade, Jace was ready for algebra. With all of her other duties, his teacher just could not keep up with Jace. The school principal called me and Jace's teacher into a conference. The result of the conference was that I was to take over home schooling of Jace.This elementary school was just not equipped to cope with someone who learned as quickly as Jace. His second grade teacher confessed that she could not remember enough algebra to keep up with what Jace now knew, much less the geometry and trig that Jace was now ready for. Well, his father was going to have to handle that.
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