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Some whispering to each other and others gocking at her. She took a left between 2 buildings, which confused me because the most populated part of the city was in the other direction. I drove around the block and saw her when she came out on the other side of the alley. She crossed the street and started walking down the path beside some train tracks which led down under a bridge. I still had no idea where she was going but it was clear I wouldn't be able to follow her in my car. So I got out and followed her down the path.This was a pretty dirty part of town and started getting worried for her.I hope she knew where she was going, but her strides quickened. I assumed it was because of excitement. I knew something was close. She got to the bottom of the path and took another left under the bridge. Walking, it is a short cut to another part of town but it was also where a bunch of homeless people lived in their shelters out of the elements. I could still see her from where I was behind. Still, the little bugs were durable as all hell…had to admire that. She slipped by an Oldsmobile–’84 or ’85, she wasn’t sure which–and admired the curve of its bumpers in the same way some women might look at a nice tight ass on a construction worker. She loved cars. It was just that simple. Then she spotted it. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a flash of red in a nearby vacant lot, spotlighted by an old streetlight as it sputtered and died. She blinked, unable to believe that she’d actually seen what she thought she’d seen, and ran over to the lot like she was trying out for a track team. She couldn’t believe it…she actually pinched herself, just like in the stories, to be certain she wasn’t dreaming. There, in the shadows of the vacant lot, was a brand-spanking new 2001 Porsche convertible, cherry-red, with nobody inside. She stroked its glossy door idly, staring at it as though lost…H-Dawg would give her more money than she’d ever made in a night before for this one.
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