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This spurred us on and i told her to take off the bra which she did and then to lay back and put her hand inside her panties. She was clearly having the time of her life when i suggested that she remove the panties and turn around on her knees with her ass in the air. She quickly adjusted and was on her knees when i slipped a finger inside her, she was amazingly wet and moaning quite loudly as i removed the finger from her pussy and slipped it into her arsehole. She started to push back against me when one of the guys asked me to open the window. I did as he asked and he reached in and started to run his hand over her arse cheeks. She pulled away and turned onto her back opening her legs as wide as the confined space allowed and guided the strangers hand between her legs. He began to finger fuck her with his left hand whilst wanking with his right, his cock visible through the open window. By this time i had my cock in Mrs O's hand and she was pumping me. I told her to reach out for. The height gave her the sense of power while the stares and near collisions the sight of her legs caused made her smile!“Maybe he is … maybe he did sneak in and take a picture.” She quietly murmured as she slowly turned side to side, gazing at her image. Then the realization that if he had taken such pictures without her permission, he might also be posting them out on the web!!! It did not matter where, once they were on the web, they were out there for any pervert anyplace in the country to find and she would never be safe! One of the girls at work had found that out the hard way. Her ex-husband had posted her pictures, both porn and non on the internet and when she had been out at a concert a drunk had stumbled up to her grabbed her ass!!! She had slapped him and he had pulled out his phone and shown her pictures she thought had been deleted years before. He had said he had been chatting with her for weeks about meeting her at the concert.Lily wrapped her towel around her body.
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