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”“I know darling, I loved the feel of your body close to mine. Infact I can still feel it if I close my eyes. Wouldn’t you like to be feeling my hand running gently up and down your thigh going under your skirt right now?”“Is that how you started mate, or have you been using these chat thingy’s for long”“Yes I am honey but I am going to make love to you in cyber land if you fancy trying it?”“Yes Brian it’s how I started but I have been using them for a few years, You would be surprised at what I have seen going on, on here at times.” “Mmmmmm sounds great, wanna try? Would you be safe? Don’t want him walking in on you while you are playing do I”“Yeah, one of my mates uses it a lot he has told me of sex sessions and allsorts. The thought does excite me but I have never been unfaithful to her and I know she hasn’t with me. You ever done it on here?”“Sometimes you can get caught up in the moment mate, but it can be fun. Does it really mean you’re cheating if you are after all only typing. ‘You may like to know that there is a camera in this room and that it recorded everything we did in here. You may also like to know that while you slept I copied the video and have it stored somewhere safe.’ She paused here, picked up a DVD and tossed it to me. ‘A copy for you to show you that I’m being serious.’ She stood up and strode over to the door and looked out across the hall at my cousin’s room her expression had turned to one of concern. ‘You saw something today that you shouldn’t have, something that could get your cousins into a lot of trouble if it came out. That tape is my way of making sure that you don’t tell anyone because if I find out you have then I will email it to your parents.’ She looked back at me. ‘I don’t think they’d appreciate seeing their only son fucking his wayward aunt, do you?’I sat there open mouthed staring at her unsure of what to say or do. It had never crossed my mind that she could be so devious and I was aghast that she would go to.
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